Los Alamos National Labs with logo 2021

Chemical Diagnostics and Engineering

We support stockpile manufacturing and surveillance, applied and basic energy sciences, threat reduction, industrial process and control, public health, and the environment.

Contact Us  

  • Group Leader
  • Peter Stark
  • Deputy Group Leader
  • Dan Kelly
  • Group Office
  • (505) 667-5740
4-D Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer (GC×GC HR-TOFMS)

4-D Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer (GC×GC HR-TOFMS) is a state-of-the-art technology that enables new methods for analyzing complex samples for organic constituents, including PCB congeners, inorganic and bio polymers, and bacterial metabolites.

Solving problems of national interest

The Chemical Diagnostics and Engineering (C-CDE) Group combines engineering design, polymers, material science, and state-of-the-art research in analytical chemistry for solving problems of national interest.

The primary customer base is stockpile manufacturing and surveillance, applied and basic energy sciences, threat reduction, industrial process and control, public health, and the environment.

One key aspect of the effort in C-CDE is promoting close interaction between analytical chemistry, materials and polymer science, and R&D programs. This allows our teams to benefit from the latest technological advancements and it allows our R&D efforts to focus on solving practical problems facing the nation.